So back from nowhere!! ;-)
This blog will be code related and will provide soon new versions of my unofficial contributions of wellknown libraries such as
libMikmod (through
Mikwin) ,
GLFW and maybe
PUI and others.
Well, It seems that libmikmod which hasn't been actively developed since the
3.something fork (Raphaël Assénat & others).. Too bad? or not.. Anyway i'm still using stable libmikmod 3.1.10 base and will not update with the latest unfinished version.
Thus, let's start with Mikwin 3.1.11 upcoming features:
- Optional Linking with
libsndfile which is providing access to a lot of samples formats!
- Added optional IMA (
Tixi's based) adpcm internal mixer which is interesting regarding Sound FX memory issues!
- Added
General MIDI loader and GM samples pattern.. (imported from GUS stuff)
Now some words about what has happened to the GLFW library since the original author Marcus Geelnard has left:
I feel very uncomfortable to see that the new team hasn't done any mention of the incredible and huge work previously done by Marcus with GLFW. Moreover, the new version 2.6 is just bringing a few noticeable additions and major maluses evincing Amiga and DOS plateforms from the release.. :-/
My unofficial GLFW version is quite comparable to a monster just because GLFW means 'OpenGL Framework' but it is still aiming to help us initialising the strict minimum from an outer space operating system or an exotic industrial engineering system.
so let's see what it supports:
- DirectX (through D3D-9) (yeah i know what a treator i'am but...)
- PS2 (through Shellsystem)
+ others plateforms usually supported by GLFW of course.
Please note that Console's plateforms are supported through proprietary libraries thus you need to be a registered developer or to get your hands on the development kits.
That's it! not much to say concerning the unofficial PUI for GLFW that i've done, i'll not go far ahead using this library since i've found out the much pleasant
antTweakBar .. Thus PUI will still be used for FILE menus but nothing more advanced.